Fill out the registration form online and email us ( for any concerns or questions. We will then review your basic qualifications and notify you on whether you meet the program requirements. We will also be offering you advice about joining the program. Without obligation and free of charge.

    #1 Full Name:

    #2 Nickname/English Name:

    #3 Where are you from (country/area)?

    #4 Birthday:

    #5 Have you received a Bachelor's degree in a University?

    #6 If you have NOT graduated yet, when are you graduating?

    #7 Which university did you graduate from / enrolled at?

    #8 What major did you study / studying now?

    #9 Please briefly describe your working experience before and after your graduation (e.g. what job did you do, how long have you done it, Full time or Part Time, etc.).

    #10 Have you traveled to the US before?

    #11 If you traveled to the U.S. before, what did you do? And what kind of visa are holding now?

    #12 Do you have plans to go the US for study, work, or migration in the future?

    #13 Please briefly describe the reasons/motivation you want to join Virtual Professional Internship Program (VIP).

    #14 What are your expectations for your Virtual Professional Internship Program (VIP)?

    #15 When is your earliest available date to start your program?

    #16 What is your desired program length/duration that you can commit for your Virtual Professional Internship Program (VIP)?
    1 month2 months3 months4 months5 months6 months

    #17 Please state from which country will you be located at and which timezone will be observed when you participate to the Virtual Professional Internship Program (VIP).Please specify your work schedule (from what time to what time). You may also include any schedule restrictions you may have -- please note, however, that the more flexible you are with your work schedule, the better / faster in terms of matching you with host businesses in the US. Write for example: Country: Hong Kong / Timezone: HKT / Available to work: Mon-Thu 9:00 AM to 5:00 PM HKT / Not available to work: Fri/Sat/Sun whole day.

    #18 What field of internship do you want to apply for? Write for example: Business, Marketing, Logistics management/Supply chain, Accounting/Finance, Graphic/Media design, Interior design/Architecture, etc.

    #19 Skype ID (if any - write N/A if none)

    #20 Facebook Registration Email Address

    #21 Contact Email Address

    #22 Contact Phone Number (or Whatsapp)

    #23 Please upload your latest resume/CV in US format. You may check Google for sample US format resumes.

    Google SearchFacebook AdsInstagram AdsReferred by a friendUniversity Email/ReferralOther:

    Thanks for contacting us! If you have any concerns or questions, email:
    We will review your qualification & reply you for the result as soon as possible.